The art style, animation, music, animal movements and storyline were all absolutely awesome.
You did a great job, congratulations! Definitely one of my favorites.
The art style, animation, music, animal movements and storyline were all absolutely awesome.
You did a great job, congratulations! Definitely one of my favorites.
Songs gay. Good cartoon!
Yeeeeeeeah. It was funny when Jesus sang part of that song. Like Jesus would like THAT song!
never know!! Jebus loves to sings songs
That was awesome mannnnnn!
Really good work on the paintbrush scene, that was awesome.
I love stuff like that.
I liked the color change at the end too, and you matched up the music pretty well with the animation.
Good work, keep it up!
Dudeee fuck yeah!
That was the shit. I used to do that with my friends cameras all the time... But they'd get pissed.. so FUCK EM! Anyways, that was tight... Make more. Make MORE i say. Any way Misuer, I must tend to my lions! For they will starve without my strict guidance.
Jesus Crust!
That was incredible!
It will spring forth a new form of animation.
Fuckin' right dawg!!
He's soooo cute!
I mean... I ain't no queer or anythang.....
kdfkdkfksdfkhheiwoeuvouisdfjklwlkjelkflsa;dflskdf;askdfkjdkfjdjfka;we;;welkfjodufoiociuofuiosadfkjljklwle;pwouidpoaspodfowuioowiueoiufwoiuejka;f;a;;;;;askjdflskdfjallsls;s;sldjkaksfocuposopcuoskdlfls what
Amazing! It was like a real cartoon. DVD that shit when you're done w/ em!
hahah fuck that dude.
Jeah man.. Liked that shit. If you aren't a dumbass and read what the upper panel pictures say... Such as... "FAT DEAD DUDE" and "NOT REALLY JUAN" and i thought those were pretty funny in theirselves. Overall.... I liked it! But I must say sir, with your flash skills you could make much better things than news reports. Love your work, keep it up.
Heyyyyyyy dude. I'm Jon Hart... and I'm lazy. I make shit.. and then I don't finish it. But the things I do make, I'll def. put on here... I take more pride in my music than my animation, so let me know what you think! I want to make a new cartoon, also.
Age 36, Male
NONE. So... I'm not a student.
Marietta, Ohio
Joined on 11/28/04